Exercise 1


Exercise 1#


You are working for ENAIRE, the air navigation authority for Spain and western Africa. You know that the Canary Islands are prone to Saharan dust events and for this reason, ENAIRE monitors dust on a daily basis. You are the operations analyst for the week of 21-27 February 2020 and responsible for issuing alerts, and if necessary, to mandate required safety measures.

On 21 February 2020, you are in-charge of analysing the dust forecast and to monitor potential dust events for the coming days. With your new knowledge on aerosol and dust data, you should be able to do this.


1. Brainstorm

  • What dust forecasts do you know about?

  • How do they differ from each other?

  • What satellite data do you know about that can be used for dust nowcasting?

  • Which variables can be used to monitor and forecast dust?

2. Download and animate the MONARCH dust forecast

3. Download the MSG SEVIRI Level 1.5 data and visualize the Dust RGB composite

4. Interpret the results

  • Describe the dust forecast event in comparison with the near real-time monitoring from the satellite.

  • What decision as ENAIRE operations analyst do you take? Would you issue an alert? Would you implement some safety measures?